Baby Hazel Tomato Farming Online

  • Played: 0 times
  • Rating: 0% with 0 votes
  • Baby Hazel Tomato Farming is a free online game that can be played in desktop, tablet or mobile phones. No installation is required. It is a baby game. Baby Hazel decides to grow tomato plants in her kitchen garden. But our little angel is too young for the tomato farming. Can you help her in performing tomato farming activities? First of all help Hazel to understand different stages of tomato farming and then go along with her to kitchen garden for growing tomato plants. Finally, when the tomatoes ripen, join her to prepare fresh tomato smoothie. Have fun! The game was played 1 times since October 23, 2016.
  • How to play?

    Use mouse to interact with Baby Hazel.